Speak Freely is a Windows application
which allows you to talk (actually send
voice, not typed characters) over a network.
To enable secure communications,
encryption with DES, Blowfish, IDEA, and/or a key file is available.
Freely for Windows is compatible with
Speak Freely
for Unix, and users
of the two programs can intercommunicate. In addition,
Speak Freely supports Real-Time Protocol (RTP)
et seq.)
and interoperate with RTP compliant audio applications.
Archive Access

Speak Freely for Windows archive
is hosted on
It provides direct access to
Speak Freely source code
Developers interested in working with the final version
of the source code can check out the complete development
directory tree, manage their changes with CVS or download
an archive of the source code from the File Release System.
Speak Freely user guide is included with the executable
distribution as an HTML Help file. You can display it from the
"Help" menu in the
Speak Freely application window. An
on-line copy
of the manual is also available; the two editions are identical.
Mailing List Archive
speak-freely mailing list operated from January
1996 until January 2004, with more than 3500 messages posted.
The link below allows you to download a Zipped archive of all
messages ever posted to the mailing list, collected into 287
periodic digests. E-mail addresses and telephone numbers have
been elided to protect the privacy of participants. The
mailing list covered both the Unix and Windows versions of
Speak Freely.